Full English Breakfast Premodern decks First Prev Page 7 of 7 # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Full English Breakfast Rubén Gómez Primera Liga Madrileña de Premodern - Final 22/06/2019 14 of 16 Full English Breakfast Ville Kaukoranta Swedish Premodern Nationals 2019 08/06/2019 1 of 46 Full English Breakfast Ville Kaukoranta Mätkymökki X MTG Getaway, Finland 24/05/2019 1 of 21 U/G Survival Teneggi Alessandro Arzan Premodern Tournament (1 edition) Reggio Emilia 14/04/2019 2 of 22 Recurring Survival Evan Husney Premodern Online Monthly (March) 31/03/2019 2 of 30 Survival Marcos Fernandez 1st German Premodern Championship 09/02/2019 2 of 18 Full English Breakfast Simon Bülhoff Premodern im Unperfekthaus (Essen) 10/11/2018 4 of 7 Survival Sergio Martini European Championships 2018 - Genova, Italy 28/10/2018 5 of 43 Survival Bryan Connolly European Championships 2018 - Genova, Italy 28/10/2018 8 of 43 First Prev Page 7 of 7
Most played cards in Full English Breakfast: 190 Decks Survival of the Fittest 743 copies - 3.91 average Birds of Paradise 741 copies - 3.9 average Yavimaya Coast 678 copies - 3.57 average City of Brass 672 copies - 3.54 average Cabal Therapy 634 copies - 3.34 average Volrath's Shapeshifter 558 copies - 2.94 average Llanowar Wastes 545 copies - 2.87 average Gemstone Mine 476 copies - 2.51 average Reflecting Pool 396 copies - 2.08 average Unearth 387 copies - 2.04 average Mesmeric Fiend 375 copies - 1.97 average Wall of Roots 326 copies - 1.72 average Naturalize 319 copies - 1.68 average Hermit Druid 241 copies - 1.27 average Engineered Plague 239 copies - 1.26 average Squee, Goblin Nabob 232 copies - 1.22 average Chill 211 copies - 1.11 average Intuition 196 copies - 1.03 average Duress 194 copies - 1.02 average Uktabi Orangutan 176 copies - 0.93 average