Other Legacy decks First Prev Page 10 of 17 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Eons Combo Paolo Barone LLS 2020 #1 03/05/2020 2 of 9 Mono Blue Fish Filippo Maffezzoli MTG King´s Cross Online #5 03/05/2020 3 of 16 Lutri Deck Andre4Marini MTGO Legacy Challenge 03/05/2020 26 Titan Field Sonic_Smasher MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 02/05/2020 3 Retrofitter Deck dancingjesus191 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 02/05/2020 36 Zirda Deck Flow_true MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 02/05/2020 48 Thassa´s Combo musasabi MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 02/05/2020 53 Mono Blue Tempo Beest MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 02/05/2020 54 Bant Zirda CoolUser MTGO Legacy Super Qualifier 01/05/2020 2 of 143 Titan Field 3erpz MTGO Legacy Challenge 27/04/2020 9 of 97 UW Zirda CoolUser MTGO Legacy Challenge 27/04/2020 21 of 97 Mazzo del Gazzo Damiano Castellani Cenagiardino 4 Tappa #3 Online 27/04/2020 3 of 12 Emry Urza Simonus MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 25/04/2020 11 Titan Field n00bcheesepwner MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 25/04/2020 30 Emry Urza Zaracias MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 25/04/2020 38 Zirda RUG Pietro Fazion Cenagiardino 4 Tappa #2 Online 20/04/2020 4 of 10 Zirda RUG Matteo Blasi MTG King´s Cross Online #4 19/04/2020 4 of 30 Echo Storm Claudio Bonanni MTG King´s Cross Online #4 19/04/2020 8 of 30 Gyruda Deck sora1248 MTGO Legacy Challenge 19/04/2020 4 of 133 Stiflenought JPA93 MTGO Legacy Challenge 19/04/2020 19 of 133 Gyruda Combo habsburger MTGO Legacy Challenge 19/04/2020 21 of 133 Gyruda Combo flowerdayonyon MTGO Legacy Challenge 19/04/2020 23 of 133 Gyruda Combo FruitDuChene MTGO Legacy Challenge 19/04/2020 28 of 133 Titan Field fpawlusz MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 18/04/2020 16 UB Karn vendilion1984 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 18/04/2020 19 Emry Urza pokemoki MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 18/04/2020 23 Emry Urza Deadmoney12 MTGO Legacy Super Qualifier 17/04/2020 10 Grixis Faeries Maraxus_of_NL MTGO Legacy Super Qualifier 17/04/2020 11 4c Snow Control lynnchalice MTGO Legacy Super Qualifier 17/04/2020 15 Emry Urza solace MTGO Legacy Super Qualifier 17/04/2020 25 First Prev Page 10 of 17 Next Last
Most played cards in Other: 500 Decks Force of Will 1122 copies - 2.24 average Brainstorm 907 copies - 1.81 average Ancient Tomb 796 copies - 1.59 average Ponder 767 copies - 1.53 average Misty Rainforest 683 copies - 1.37 average Chalice of the Void 680 copies - 1.36 average Snow-Covered Island 642 copies - 1.28 average Lotus Petal 613 copies - 1.23 average Polluted Delta 595 copies - 1.19 average Karn, the Great Creator 502 copies - 1 average Wasteland 477 copies - 0.95 average Oko, Thief of Crowns 464 copies - 0.93 average Scalding Tarn 451 copies - 0.9 average Flooded Strand 419 copies - 0.84 average Leyline of the Void 397 copies - 0.79 average Mox Opal 396 copies - 0.79 average Lion's Eye Diamond 384 copies - 0.77 average Abrupt Decay 377 copies - 0.75 average Swords to Plowshares 373 copies - 0.75 average Tropical Island 361 copies - 0.72 average