Psychatog Premodern decks

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Deck Name





Psychatog Tom Metelsky 2024 CPS Showdown April #1 10/04/2024 7 of 16
Psychatog Jonathan Litten Denver Mulldrifters April Meetup 06/04/2024 8 of 9
Ub Psychatog PileDdriVver Hispanoesfera 31 ED (Marzo ´24) 31/03/2024 6 of 48
Psychatog Tom Metelsky The Magic Online Society - March League #2 31/03/2024 6 of 89
Psychatog Wong Eugene Singapore Premodern Society Monthly Mar 24 31/03/2024 2 of 10
Psychatog Pablo Cubedo Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Ese dia me faltó Coca) 23/03/2024 4 of 12
Psychatog Pablo Cubedo Technomonstrual Premodern Valencia (Titanicmonstrual Pepsihundimiento) 10/03/2024 2 of 9
Pichatog Jorge PileDdriVver Liga Premodern Alicante 2024 5ª Jornada 10/03/2024 7 of 28
UB Flippi Flippi Boehm Moxforge League Feb 2024 29/02/2024 6 of 28
Psychatog Matias Bollati Hispanoesfera 30 ED (Febrero ´24) 29/02/2024 6 of 48
UB Psychatog Jonathan Litten Denver Mulldrifters February @ Wonderland 24/02/2024 7 of 11
UB Psychatog Daniel Meza Sociedad Premodern CR (8ED: Camarones al gusto) 17/02/2024 3 of 16
WUB Psychatog Pablo Cubedo Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (El que se fue a Sevilla...) 17/02/2024 7 of 18
Pichatog Juan Vilar Anticorrupcion (Markus looter King) 11/02/2024 1 of 8
WUB Psychatog Pablo Cubedo Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (La Technoliga no se toca)) 03/02/2024 1 of 18
Cubiatog Pablo Cubedo Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Pornational Sold Out) 27/01/2024 3 of 18
Psychatog I_b_TRUE MTGO Premodern Challenge January 2024 20/01/2024 4 of 34
UB Psychatog Daniel Meza Sociedad Premodern de Costa Rica (7ma Edición) 20/01/2024 3 of 14
Psychatog Yaco Guido Magic Lair (Argentina) 13/01/2024 5 of 18
Pichatog Pablo Cubedo Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Los Reyes son los Padres) 07/01/2024 1 of 19
Psychatog Yaco Guido Magic Lair (Argentina) 06/01/2024 5 of 17
Frustratog Pablo Cubedo Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Bocata de Sobrasada Mejor que Paella) 30/12/2023 3 of 13
UB Psychatog Glen Arce Sociedad Premodern de Costa Rica (6ta Edición) 09/12/2023 6 of 7
Psychatog Eugene Wong Singapore Premodern Society Monthly Nov 23 18/11/2023 3 of 9
Psychatog Phil Taylor Moxforge League October 2023 31/10/2023 14 of 26
Psychatog Tom Metelsky Fall Brawl 2023 31/10/2023 9 of 80
Psychatog Elías úbeda Liga Premodern Alicante 2023 22ª Jornada 28/10/2023 3 of 18
Psychatog PileDdriVver Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Para lelos) 22/10/2023 6 of 23
Psychatog Fernando Gonzalez FNM Bazaar of Bagdad (Argentina) 13/10/2023 2 of 10
Psychatog Fernando Gonzalez FNM Bazaar of Bagdad (Argentina) 06/10/2023 1 of 10

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Most played cards in Psychatog:

189 Decks
721 copies - 3.81 average
Polluted Delta
698 copies - 3.69 average
Accumulated Knowledge
620 copies - 3.28 average
596 copies - 3.15 average
547 copies - 2.89 average
532 copies - 2.81 average
Engineered Plague
463 copies - 2.45 average
Mana Leak
450 copies - 2.38 average
Fact or Fiction
432 copies - 2.29 average
Underground River
390 copies - 2.06 average
Circular Logic
357 copies - 1.89 average
311 copies - 1.65 average
300 copies - 1.59 average
270 copies - 1.43 average
Shadowmage Infiltrator
243 copies - 1.29 average
Cunning Wish
204 copies - 1.08 average
188 copies - 0.99 average
175 copies - 0.93 average
173 copies - 0.92 average
Diabolic Edict
160 copies - 0.85 average