Psychatog Premodern decks

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Deck Name





Psychatog PileDdriVver Torneo Final Liga Premodern Alicante 17/12/2022 1 of 8
Esper Control Lannynyny The Magic Online Society - November Semimonthly #2 26/11/2022 8 of 36
U/B Psychatog BeardedLoki The Magic Online Society - October Semimonthly Playoffs 12/11/2022 3 of 10
Psychatog Abel Betancur Open PreModern Misstrigger MTG 05/11/2022 4 of 10
Psychatog Matías Bollati Hispanoesfera 16 Ed (Septiembre ´22) 30/09/2022 2 of 36
Psychatog William Hirst Premodern Online Monthly (September 2022) 30/09/2022 1 of 88
Esper Control Lannynyny The Magic Online Society - September Semimonthly #1 18/09/2022 2 of 17
UWB Psychatog Xavi Jerez LCOS Premodern - Agosto 2022 21/08/2022 3 of 23
UB Psychatog Carlos Moral LCOS Premodern - Agosto 2022 21/08/2022 6 of 23
UB Psychatog Alexandros Tzimas Premodern summer open (efantasy - Crete) 13/08/2022 2 of 12
Psychatog with awful land art William Hirst Premodern Online Monthly (July 2022) 31/07/2022 4 of 89
Psychatog PileDriVver Terrataesfera (Arros del Senyoret) 1º edición 26/06/2022 2 of 6
Psychatog Melo Liga Premodern Alicante 2022 11ª Jornada 11/06/2022 3 of 10
2002 Psychatog Bruno Mastrantonio Weekly Premodern Gauntlet - Brazil - Odyssey Standard Special 10/05/2022 4 of 6
UB Psychatog Shandalarian 2º liga PNG premodern 8 Jornada Grupo 1 07/05/2022 12 of 13
Psychatog Jose Macía Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (post Pornational) 07/05/2022 3 of 8
Psychatog Markkos 2º liga PNG premodern 6 Jornada Grupo 1 01/05/2022 10 of 13
Psychatog Pardal 2º liga PNG premodern 5º Jornada Grupo 1 10/04/2022 8 of 13
Puigdotog Alfonso Zarzoso Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Trompeta a Cuatro) 02/04/2022 3 of 10
Psychatog Matias Garces Open PreModern Misstrigger MTG 26/03/2022 1 of 10
UB Psychatog Andreas Månsson Khamn Magic: Premodern PT. 1 20/03/2022 3 of 8
Psychatog Rafael Retamal Donoso Hispanoesfera 9ª Ed (Febrero´22) 28/02/2022 3 of 51
Fling-a-Psychatog Meddling_Maxe MoxForge League Feb 22 28/02/2022 7 of 11
Psychatog Fermin Garcia LCOS Premodern - Febrero 2022 20/02/2022 5 of 25
Psychatog Markkos 1º liga PNG premodern 7ª Jornada 30/01/2022 4 of 8
Routine Dental Exam Brandon Econ Thursday Night Throwdown #3 ( 20/01/2022 2 of 13
Esper ´Tog Aaron Dicks Premodern Online Monthly (December 2021) 10/01/2022 15 of 78
Farkatog! Gabriel Farkas Premodern Online Monthly (November 2021) 26/12/2021 2 of 77
UB Psychatog Markkos 1ª liga PNG premodern 2ª Jornada 25/12/2021 8 of 10
UB Psychatog Markkos 1ª liga PNG premodern 1ª Jornada 19/12/2021 4 of 10

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Most played cards in Psychatog:

189 Decks
721 copies - 3.81 average
Polluted Delta
698 copies - 3.69 average
Accumulated Knowledge
620 copies - 3.28 average
596 copies - 3.15 average
547 copies - 2.89 average
532 copies - 2.81 average
Engineered Plague
463 copies - 2.45 average
Mana Leak
450 copies - 2.38 average
Fact or Fiction
432 copies - 2.29 average
Underground River
390 copies - 2.06 average
Circular Logic
357 copies - 1.89 average
311 copies - 1.65 average
300 copies - 1.59 average
270 copies - 1.43 average
Shadowmage Infiltrator
243 copies - 1.29 average
Cunning Wish
204 copies - 1.08 average
188 copies - 0.99 average
175 copies - 0.93 average
173 copies - 0.92 average
Diabolic Edict
160 copies - 0.85 average