The Deck Old School decks

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The Deck Jaime Cano 4º Liga Madrileña Old School MTG - 6th day 22/02/2020 7 of 25
The Deck Jorge Larrumbide 4º Liga Madrileña Old School MTG - 6th day 22/02/2020 8 of 25
Four Color Control Arnaud Aubert MKM Series 2019, Paris - Old School Main Event 09/02/2020 2 of 13
The Deck Philippe Royer MKM Series 2019, Paris - Old School Main Event 09/02/2020 5 of 13
The Deck Juanjo Fuente Liga El Norte No Olvida 2020 - 2nd Tournament 08/02/2020 1 of 33
The Deck Aritz Lopategi Liga El Norte No Olvida 2020 - 2nd Tournament 08/02/2020 3 of 33
The Deck Alberto Poza 4º Liga Madrileña Old School MTG - 5th day 25/01/2020 3 of 33
El Mazaco Jorge Larrumbide 4º Liga Madrileña Old School MTG - 5th day 25/01/2020 4 of 33
The Deck Juanjo Fuente Liga El Norte No Olvida 2020 - 1st Tournament 12/01/2020 1 of 26
The Deck Juanjo Fuente VI Torneo Vesuvan Doppelganger 12/12/2019 5 of 16
The Beast Jorge Larrumbide 4º Liga Madrileña Old School MTG - 3rd day 09/11/2019 2 of 38
Esper Control Martin Hatlak Prost Hawaii 26/10/2019 1 of 11
Lands Mitja Held Prost Hawaii 26/10/2019 2 of 11
The Deck Alessio Lombardi Prima tappa Lega Toscana 2019/2020 13/10/2019 5 of 28
The Deck Daniel Martin 4º Liga Madrileña Old School MTG - 2nd day 12/10/2019 3 of 32
The Deck Justin Franks Knight Ware Monthly Unsanctioned Old School - October 06/10/2019 1 of 8
The Deck Shawn Anthony Knight Ware Monthly Unsanctioned Old School - October 06/10/2019 3 of 8
The Deck Daniele Morri Fishliver Oil Cup 3 28/09/2019 8 of 133
The Deck Miguel Angel Díaz Fishliver Oil Cup 3 28/09/2019 9 of 133
The Deck François Pirenne Fishliver Oil Cup 3 28/09/2019 11 of 133
The Deck Eduard Castro Fishliver Oil Cup 3 28/09/2019 15 of 133
The Deck Nick Cramer Fishliver Oil Cup 3 28/09/2019 16 of 133
The Deck Jorge Larrumbide 1º Liga madrileña de old school 2019 14/09/2019 2 of 27
The Deck Jaime Cano 1º Liga madrileña de old school 2019 14/09/2019 4 of 27
The Deck César Carreras 1º Liga madrileña de old school 2019 14/09/2019 8 of 27
The Deck Edu Castro LCOS 2019 - 8th tournament 11/08/2019 1 of 23
The Deck Josh Knight LCOS 2019 - 8th tournament 11/08/2019 5 of 23
The Deck David García LCOS 2019 - 8th tournament 11/08/2019 7 of 23
The Deck Eduard Castro LCOS 2019 - 7th tournament 14/07/2019 2 of 31
The Deck Luis Perea LCOS 2019 - 7th tournament 14/07/2019 5 of 31

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Most played cards in The Deck:

220 Decks
856 copies - 3.89 average
855 copies - 3.89 average
Swords to Plowshares
851 copies - 3.87 average
842 copies - 3.83 average
City of Brass
751 copies - 3.41 average
Jayemdae Tome
628 copies - 2.85 average
Red Elemental Blast
582 copies - 2.65 average
Mishra's Factory
545 copies - 2.48 average
Blue Elemental Blast
475 copies - 2.16 average
Volcanic Island
423 copies - 1.92 average
Fellwar Stone
402 copies - 1.83 average
Ivory Tower
396 copies - 1.8 average
Underground Sea
386 copies - 1.75 average
Divine Offering
379 copies - 1.72 average
Serra Angel
351 copies - 1.6 average
Strip Mine
329 copies - 1.5 average
The Abyss
256 copies - 1.16 average
217 copies - 0.99 average
209 copies - 0.95 average
208 copies - 0.95 average