The Rock Premodern decks

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Deck Name





Titan Rock Brandon Econ Premodern Online Monthly (June 2023) 30/06/2023 15 of 89
The Rock Elian Vallejos Chile Premier League - June 2023 30/06/2023 2 of 35
The Rock Martin Fernández Chile Premier League - June 2023 30/06/2023 9 of 35
Potato Rock Álvaro Ibars Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Barrakkinen is back) 24/06/2023 4 of 10
The Rock Carlos Morales Not Open Premodern 24/06/2023 4 of 34
The Rock Jorge Canio Not Open Premodern 24/06/2023 5 of 34
The Rock Juancar Paredes V Liga Madrileña de Premodern - Final 24/06/2023 9 of 21
The Rock Felix Palomeque I Open Málaga Premodern 18/06/2023 4 of 19
The Rock Juanjo Ceballos I Open Málaga Premodern 18/06/2023 8 of 19
The Rock (2-1-1) Dmitry Semenov SPb Lampovy Premodern 13.06.2023 13/06/2023 4 of 12
Rock Order MrAlwaysWins The Magic Online Society - June Semimonthly Playoffs #1 11/06/2023 8 of 16
Classic Rock Hazael Lista Open Team Trios Unified - Conflux Argentina - 11 Teams (33 Players) 11/06/2023 2
The Rock Carlos Morales Open La Forja de Stone 10/06/2023 9 of 12
Suicide Rock Álvaro Ibars Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Finnish nos vamos a poner) 10/06/2023 1 of 10
The Rock FranK Liga Premodern Alicante 2022 12ª Jornada 10/06/2023 5 of 19
The Rock Aaro Huttunen Finnish Premodern Nationals 10/06/2023 1 of 54
The Rock Nicolas Rudisky Weekly Piedra Bruja 07/06/2023 4 of 12
The Rock Artem Talover SPb Lampovy Premodern 06/06/2023 1 of 11
Rock Pablo Britos Semanal de Premodern Misstriger NEUQUEN argentina 03/06/2023 1 of 10
Piedras blancas Solomon Grundy Semanal de Premodern Misstriger NEUQUEN argentina 03/06/2023 3 of 10
The Rock Michael Flores Side Events @ Lobstercon 2023 03/06/2023 2 of 57
The Rock Carlos Morales Weekly Piedra Bruja 31/05/2023 2 of 11
Rat Rock Gabriel Farkas Premodern Online Monthly (May 2023) 30/05/2023 6 of 92
The Rock Albertolor The Magic Online Society - May 2023 Semimonthly #2 28/05/2023 8 of 43
The Rock Facundo LCOS Premodern - Mayo 2023 28/05/2023 6 of 27
White Rock Andres Garcia V Liga Madrileña de Premodern - 9 Jornada 27/05/2023 7 of 42
Roack & Guy Matias Chaver Open Premodern Tienda Misstrigger NEUQUEN argentina 20/05/2023 1 of 10
The Rock Matteo Carducci Gamic premodern tournament 18/05/2023 3 of 6
The Natural Order Álva-Rock Lorca Beard Brother Open - April 23 16/05/2023 6 of 15
The Rocky Jordi Paez 1er Open Granollers Premodern 14/05/2023 5 of 20

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Most played cards in The Rock:

766 Decks
Llanowar Wastes
2916 copies - 3.81 average
2916 copies - 3.81 average
Pernicious Deed
2910 copies - 3.8 average
Cabal Therapy
2781 copies - 3.63 average
Treetop Village
2766 copies - 3.61 average
Ravenous Baloth
2647 copies - 3.46 average
Wall of Blossoms
2443 copies - 3.19 average
2198 copies - 2.87 average
Engineered Plague
1952 copies - 2.55 average
Birds of Paradise
1537 copies - 2.01 average
1324 copies - 1.73 average
Recurring Nightmare
1268 copies - 1.66 average
Wall of Roots
1254 copies - 1.64 average
Deranged Hermit
1172 copies - 1.53 average
Yavimaya Elder
1120 copies - 1.46 average
1059 copies - 1.38 average
1043 copies - 1.36 average
Tormod's Crypt
895 copies - 1.17 average
Withered Wretch
748 copies - 0.98 average
Living Wish
722 copies - 0.94 average