The Rock Premodern decks

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Deck Name





Natural Order Rock Marcel Vanderhoeven 20 Years J.K. Entertainment sponsored by Ultimate Guard 01/06/2024 3 of 26
Rock Juan Loyola Chile Premier League - May 2024 31/05/2024 14 of 55
Rock Martin Oviedo Chile Premier League - May 2024 31/05/2024 15 of 55
Natural Order Rock Rue O´ Rafferty Southern California Premodern Monthly #15 26/05/2024 5 of 8
BG The Rock El Willy Sociedad Premodern CR (11ED: FBB) 25/05/2024 7 of 10
the rock Simone Corda Premodern & Friends Fnm 18/05/2024 10 of 10
The Rock Jorge Clares Artes DragonCT Bimensual Premodern 18/05/2024 4 of 10
The Rock Martin Oviedo FNM Bazaar of Baghdad (Argentina) 17/05/2024 3 of 15
The Rock CHAP0 The Magic Online Society - May League #1 12/05/2024 6 of 88
the rock Gabriele Roveri Premodern & Friends Second Edition 12/05/2024 1 of 12
the rock Simone Corda Premodern & Friends Second Edition 12/05/2024 6 of 12
The Rock Telm Fàbregas LCOS Premodern - Mayo 2024 12/05/2024 8 of 24
The Rock Michal Černý Prague Premodern Parade 05/05/2024 5 of 45
The Rock Martin Oviedo Magic Lair (Argentina) 04/05/2024 3 of 17
The Rock Matias Plantey Bazaar of Baghdad - Martes (Argentina) 30/04/2024 3 of 17
Dark Secret Brandon Econ Spring Fling 2024 30/04/2024 4 of 92
Natural Order Rock Rue O´ Rafferty Southern California Premodern Monthly #14 (Knight Ware) 28/04/2024 4 of 14
Hermit Rock Max Duck Southern California Premodern Monthly #14 (Knight Ware) 28/04/2024 11 of 14
The Rock Álvaro Carmona Open Premodern Chile Series 27/04/2024 3 of 25
The Rock Mauricio Zonni FNM Bazaar of Baghdad (Argentina) #2 27/04/2024 4 of 12
The Rock Elliot Fisher Battle for the Sound 27/04/2024 6 of 38
The Rock Mauricio Zonni FNM Bazaar of Baghdad (Argentina) #1 26/04/2024 2 of 19
the rock Simone Corda Arcana Fest Milano (Premodern) 21/04/2024 8 of 10
The Rock Phil3579 MTGO Premodern Challenge April 2024 20/04/2024 5 of 29
The Rock Jesús Palo III Torneo Premodern Extremadura (Mérida) 20/04/2024 2 of 13
The Rock Cooper Simpson From the Vault Premodern: 2 20/04/2024 7 of 32
The Rock Henrik Islann Monthly Swiss #7 @ Faraos Cigarer (Copenhagen, Denmark) 14/04/2024 7 of 24
The Rock Basilio San Juan Chile National Tournament 13/04/2024 3 of 62
The Rock Wuj Wujas Sidequest Gdańsk Premodern League 11.04.24 11/04/2024 2 of 9
The Rock Matteo Marinacci Premodern Roma @ Galactus Tuscolana 10/04/2024 2 of 6

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Most played cards in The Rock:

766 Decks
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2908 copies - 3.8 average
Pernicious Deed
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Cabal Therapy
2773 copies - 3.62 average
Treetop Village
2758 copies - 3.6 average
Ravenous Baloth
2639 copies - 3.45 average
Wall of Blossoms
2436 copies - 3.18 average
2192 copies - 2.86 average
Engineered Plague
1946 copies - 2.54 average
Birds of Paradise
1537 copies - 2.01 average
1321 copies - 1.72 average
Recurring Nightmare
1264 copies - 1.65 average
Wall of Roots
1250 copies - 1.63 average
Deranged Hermit
1170 copies - 1.53 average
Yavimaya Elder
1120 copies - 1.46 average
1057 copies - 1.38 average
1040 copies - 1.36 average
Tormod's Crypt
893 copies - 1.17 average
Withered Wretch
746 copies - 0.97 average
Living Wish
722 copies - 0.94 average