Tron Premodern decks Page 1 of 2 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Urza is a powerful Wizard Jadi Leme Liga Paulista Premodern - 2a Etapa - Omniverse, São Paulo, Brazil 22/02/2025 2 of 38 UW Tron Marek Oramus 1#2025 Krakow´s Premodern MagicTown League 15/02/2025 4 of 10 UW Tron Riccc 2025 CPS Monthly League 16.01 28/01/2025 5 of 113 UW Tron Thiago Maeda Brasília Premodern Mensal - Janeiro 05/01/2025 2 of 18 Tron Stephen Nowakowski Premodern @ The Portal 05/01/2025 2 of 13 UW Tron fernetero Matias Bolatti Argentog - Battle Royale 2024/09 30/11/2024 3 of 49 UW Tron Riccc 2024 CPS League - November #2 24/11/2024 5 of 94 UW Tron Riccc 2024 CPS Showdown November #2 19/11/2024 8 of 16 UW Tron Elias Ubeda Liga Premodern Alicante 2024 21ª Jornada 02/11/2024 2 of 22 UW Tron Matías Bollati Chile Premier League - October 2024 31/10/2024 13 of 50 UW Thron Mariano Moschella Magic Lair (Argentina) 19/10/2024 7 of 20 UW Tron Eduardo Roland Hispanoesfera - Fair Premodern 1S 2024 30/09/2024 3 of 28 Tron by E. Mendez Juana Medel Liga The Old Skull La Plata (ARG) Winter cup 20/09/2024 8 of 18 G/W Tron Linus Bengtsson Roda Goblinen Premodern Summer League Final TOP 8 AUCTION FORMAT 14/09/2024 3 of 8 UW Tron Matias Tugores 2nd Torneo Premodern Mallorca 13/09/2024 3 of 11 UW Tron Julian Lee APAC Webcam Season 3 08/09/2024 1 of 16 UW Tron Steffen Göller Premodern Universal Championship 17/08/2024 6 of 101 Tron Pablo Cubedo TECHNOMONSTRUAL Premodern Valencia (Piscinita Edition) 11/08/2024 7 of 33 UW Tron Francesco Sanetti Premodern Roma @galactustuscolana 03/07/2024 6 of 9 UW Throne Francesco Sanetti Premodern Roma @galactustuscolana 26/06/2024 4 of 6 UW Tron Brandon Rojas Sociedad Premodern CR (12ED: 1er Aniversario - PreModern Horizons 3) 22/06/2024 14 of 16 UW Tron Riccc 2024 CPS Showdown June #1 09/06/2024 6 of 16 UW Tron Steffen Göller 20 Years J.K. Entertainment sponsored by Ultimate Guard 01/06/2024 5 of 26 UW Tron MagicMarshall Portland Monthly Premodern Paper Magic Afternoons (PMPMPMPM#12) 26/05/2024 8 of 19 UW Tron Piotr Orłowski Sidequest Gdańsk Premodern League 23.05.24 23/05/2024 2 of 6 UW Tron Riccc 2024 CPS Showdown May #2 22/05/2024 4 of 16 UW Tron Riccc The Magic Online Society - May League #1 12/05/2024 2 of 88 UW Tron Chiapperini Davide Lega Premodern Cecina - Championship #4 03/04/2024 1 of 10 Tron Marcos Cordeiro Heavy Meta Open League 12/03/2024 4 of 16 UW Tron MagicMarshall Portland Monthly Premodern Paper Magic Afternoons (PMPMPMPM #10) 10/03/2024 1 of 20 Page 1 of 2 Next Last
Most played cards in Tron: 49 Decks Urza's Mine 196 copies - 4 average Urza's Tower 196 copies - 4 average Urza's Power Plant 196 copies - 4 average Swords to Plowshares 188 copies - 3.84 average Decree of Justice 186 copies - 3.8 average Chromatic Sphere 164 copies - 3.35 average Impulse 148 copies - 3.02 average Stroke of Genius 139 copies - 2.84 average Disenchant 114 copies - 2.33 average Flooded Strand 113 copies - 2.31 average Adarkar Wastes 103 copies - 2.1 average Skycloud Egg 99 copies - 2.02 average Meddling Mage 98 copies - 2 average Masticore 96 copies - 1.96 average Circle of Protection: Red 91 copies - 1.86 average Miscalculation 91 copies - 1.86 average Wrath of God 76 copies - 1.55 average Teferi's Response 74 copies - 1.51 average Skycloud Expanse 73 copies - 1.49 average Prohibit 70 copies - 1.43 average