IsThisACatInAHat playing 4c Control | Position: 8 | |
Deck Name: 4c Control | Sideboard | |
Creatures [15]2 Baleful Strix2 Leovold, Emissary of Trest 3 True-Name Nemesis 4 Deathrite Shaman 4 Snapcaster Mage Instants [18]1 Lightning Bolt1 Murderous Cut 2 Flusterstorm 2 Kolaghan's Command 4 Brainstorm 4 Fatal Push 4 Force of Will | Sorceries [8]2 Thoughtseize2 Unearth 4 Ponder Lands [19]1 Bayou1 Island 1 Swamp 1 Tropical Island 1 Volcanic Island 2 Badlands 2 Underground Sea 3 Bloodstained Mire 3 Scalding Tarn 4 Polluted Delta |
1 Flusterstorm
1 Kolaghan's Command 1 Thoughtseize 2 Diabolic Edict 2 Invasive Surgery 2 Izzet Staticaster 1 Pithing Needle 1 Pyroblast 1 Red Elemental Blast 3 Surgical Extraction |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Flusterstorm
1 Kolaghan's Command 1 Thoughtseize 2 Diabolic Edict 2 Invasive Surgery 2 Izzet Staticaster 1 Pithing Needle 1 Pyroblast 1 Red Elemental Blast 3 Surgical Extraction |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Other | Clashed | 1 |
Miracle Control | HJ_Kaiser | 2 |
Death and Taxes | Olivetti | 3 |
Jund | qbturtle15 | 4 |
Death and Taxes | Bahra | 5 |
Blade Control | laywer | 6 |
Depths Reanimator | Griselpuff | 7 |
Ad Nauseam Tendrils | MangoPunch | 9 |
Depths Reanimator | Griselpuff | 10 |