Eternal Party 2018 Format: Legacy Archive | Number of Players: 226 | Date: 16/12/2018 Archetype Player Position Blade Control Kuroda Masashiro 1 Walking Dead Miyamoto Yohei 2 Grixis Delver Murae Ryuji 3 4c Loam Ikegami Akira 4 Lands Hori Masataka 5 Grixis Delver Maenosono Kenta 6 Death and Taxes Takemoto Hiroshi 7 Death and Taxes Yamano Nobuteru 8 Goblins Jansen Vinnie 9 Merfolks Hasegawa Tsuyoshi 10 Miracles Kagotani Naota 11 Grixis Delver Yamada Mitsuhiro 12 Eldrazi Stompy Hata Hideaki 13 Death and Taxes Doi Satsuki 14 Miracles Yasuda Masayuki 15 Izzet Delver Noma Takashi 16