Luca Lovino playing Threshold UGr | Position: Top 8 | |
Deck Name: UGr Threshold | Sideboard | |
Creatures [11]3 Burning-Tree Shaman4 Nimble Mongoose 4 Tarmogoyf Instants [21]3 Daze3 Fire // Ice 3 Spell Snare 4 Brainstorm 4 Force of Will 4 Lightning Bolt | Sorceries [9]2 Pyroclasm3 Serum Visions 4 Ponder Artifacts [2]2 Pithing NeedleLands [17]1 Forest2 Island 3 Tropical Island 3 Wooded Foothills 4 Polluted Delta 4 Volcanic Island |
1 Ancient Grudge
3 Compost 3 Control Magic 2 Krosan Grip 3 Price of Progress 3 Tormod's Crypt |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Ancient Grudge
3 Compost 3 Control Magic 2 Krosan Grip 3 Price of Progress 3 Tormod's Crypt |
15 Cards |