Wim De Boer playing Enchantress | Position: 13 | |
Deck Name: Evil Enchantress | Sideboard | |
Creatures [4]4 Argothian EnchantressInstants [1]1 Worldly TutorSorceries [4]2 Cabal Therapy2 Drain Life Enchantments [28]1 Sterling Grove1 Sylvan Library 2 Sarcomancy 2 Worship 3 Exploration 3 Squandered Resources 4 Cadaverous Bloom 4 Elephant Grass 4 Enchantress's Presence 4 Wild Growth | Artifacts [2]2 Lotus PetalLands [22]1 Plains2 City of Brass 2 Gemstone Mine 2 Undiscovered Paradise 3 Swamp 3 Windswept Heath 4 Llanowar Wastes 5 Forest |
3 Carpet of Flowers
1 Pernicious Deed 2 Planar Void 2 Engineered Plague 2 Ground Seal 2 Solitary Confinement 1 City of Solitude 2 Sterling Grove |
61 Cards | 15 Cards | |
3 Carpet of Flowers
1 Pernicious Deed 2 Planar Void 2 Engineered Plague 2 Ground Seal 2 Solitary Confinement 1 City of Solitude 2 Sterling Grove |
15 Cards |