ReQQuiem playing Psychatog | Position: 6 | |
Deck Name: Psychatog | Sideboard | |
Creatures [6]1 Gloomdrifter1 Wonder 4 Psychatog Instants [27]1 Funeral Charm1 Intuition 1 Smother 2 Ghastly Demise 2 Prohibit 4 Accumulated Knowledge 4 Circular Logic 4 Counterspell 4 Fact or Fiction 4 Mental Note | Sorceries [5]1 Reanimate4 Duress Lands [22]2 Cephalid Coliseum4 Flooded Strand 4 Polluted Delta 4 Swamp 8 Island |
4 Annul
4 Engineered Plague 2 Back to Basics 2 Coffin Purge 2 Null Rod 1 Phyrexian Processor |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
4 Annul
4 Engineered Plague 2 Back to Basics 2 Coffin Purge 2 Null Rod 1 Phyrexian Processor |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Terrageddon | JcKnox | 1 |
Stiflenought | Fpawlusz | 2 |
Ponza | Djas Puhr | 3 |
Goblins | JpAlmeida | 4 |
MUD | Thursdayisgod | 5 |
Goblins | Jacinto Ribas | 7 |
Oath Ponza | Tvtyrant | 8 |