New England PM Summer Regional @ Great Stories (Whitinsville, MA) Format: Premodern | Number of Players: 64 | Date: 20/07/2024 Archetype Player Position Stasis Chris Roy 1 Parallax Replenish Mike Packer 2 Landstill Drew Lesmerises 3 Survival Tradewind Paul Raynes 4 Landstill Justin Provencal 5 Psychatog Ken Takahama 6 The Rock Jared Bollinger 7 MUD Andrew Maag 8 Reanimator Rood Hannigan 9 Elves Nick Mayo 10 Landstill Jeremy Tibbetts 11 Oath Ponza Jon Cawley 12 Parallax Replenish Jake Cohen 13 Stiflenought Brian Selden 14 Stiflenought Aiden Johnson 15 Rogue Bryn Pitt 16