Denver Mulldrifters May @ Wonderland

Format: Premodern | Number of Players: 14 | Date: 25/05/2024
Jace Salley playing Pit Rack Position: 1
Deck Name: Pit Rack Sideboard
Creatures [7]
3 Withered Wretch
4 Plague Spitter
Instants [12]
2 Snuff Out
3 Diabolic Edict
3 Funeral Charm
4 Dark Ritual
Sorceries [8]
2 Cabal Therapy
2 Chain of Smog
4 Duress
Enchantments [4]
4 Bottomless Pit
Artifacts [7]
3 Cursed Scroll
4 The Rack
Lands [22]
2 Dust Bowl
3 Cabal Pit
4 Mishra's Factory
13 Swamp
3 Coffin Purge
4 Dystopia
3 Engineered Plague
2 Gloom
3 Smother
60 Cards 15 Cards
3 Coffin Purge
4 Dystopia
3 Engineered Plague
2 Gloom
3 Smother
15 Cards
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Rogue Kourosh Alizadeh 3
Psychatog Conor Abbott Brown 4
Enchantress Hans Feng 5
Clerics Kyle Blankenship 7
Survival Welder Eddie Richter 8
Rogue Evan DeWitt 9
Madness Vivien Litten 11

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