Argentog - The Longest Edition (185-days from Feb to Aug)

Format: Premodern | Number of Players: 36 | Date: 20/08/2024




Parallax Replenish Matías Bollati 1
Ponza Miguel Lopez 2
Goblins Jesus Palo 3
Parfait Nicolas Fama 4
Landstill Stefania Tomasich 5
Deadguy Ale Glen Calvo Arce 6
Stasis Lucas Minervino 7
Storm Sebastián Novaira 8
The Solution Nahuel Estevez 10
Aluren Demian Vernieri 11
Rogue Juanpitudo 12
Machine Head Agustín Arotcarena 13
Burn Cristian Wisner 14
Slivers Santiago Gongora 15
The Rock Sebastian Rodriguez 16

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