Román GSG playing Stasis | Position: 1 | |
Deck Name: Stasis | Sideboard | |
Creatures [2]2 Elvish Spirit GuideInstants [25]1 Mana Short2 Foil 2 Thwart 4 Arcane Denial 4 Chain of Vapor 4 Daze 4 Gush 4 Impulse | Sorceries [2]2 PortentEnchantments [7]3 Root Maze4 Stasis Artifacts [3]3 Black ViseLands [21]4 Forsaken City17 Island |
1 Powder Keg
2 Cursed Totem 1 Boomerang 3 Annul 4 Blue Elemental Blast 1 Propaganda 1 Mana Short 1 Black Vise 1 Misdirection |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Powder Keg
2 Cursed Totem 1 Boomerang 3 Annul 4 Blue Elemental Blast 1 Propaganda 1 Mana Short 1 Black Vise 1 Misdirection |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Goblins | Jorge PileDdriVver | 2 |
Survival | Endika Martinez | 3 |
Gro-A-Tog | Jesús Pastor | 4 |
The Rock | Jeffrey El Corrupto | 5 |
UW Weenie | Mario Espinosa | 6 |
Machine Head | Alex Panda | 7 |
Reanimator | Alvaro Ruiz | 8 |