Arnaud Avenel playing Enchantress | Position: 3 | |
Deck Name: Enchantress | Sideboard | |
Creatures [4]4 Argothian EnchantressSorceries [3]3 ReplenishEnchantments [33]1 Words of Wind2 Mirri's Guile 2 Opalescence 2 Solitary Confinement 2 Sylvan Library 3 Aura of Silence 3 Elephant Grass 3 Seal of Cleansing 3 Wild Growth 4 Enchantress's Presence 4 Fertile Ground 4 Sterling Grove | Lands [21]2 Wasteland3 Plains 3 Serra's Sanctum 4 Brushland 4 Windswept Heath 5 Forest |
1 Aegis of Honor
13 Choke 2 City of Solitude 2 Ground Seal 2 Humility 1 Karmic Justice 2 Spiritual Focus 2 Warmth |
61 Cards | 25 Cards | |
1 Aegis of Honor
13 Choke 2 City of Solitude 2 Ground Seal 2 Humility 1 Karmic Justice 2 Spiritual Focus 2 Warmth |
25 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Merfolks | Ugo Lachendowier | 1 |
Pit Rack | Marc Bruley | 2 |
Madness | PedroDuLac | 4 |