Román GSG playing The Rock | Position: 3 | |
Deck Name: The Rock | Sideboard | |
Creatures [16]2 Wall of Roots3 Blastoderm 3 Plague Spitter 4 Ravenous Baloth 4 Wall of Blossoms Instants [4]2 Diabolic Edict2 Naturalize Sorceries [9]1 Haunting Echoes4 Cabal Therapy 4 Duress | Enchantments [6]2 Recurring Nightmare4 Pernicious Deed Lands [25]2 Dust Bowl4 Llanowar Wastes 4 Treetop Village 7 Forest 8 Swamp |
1 Tormod's Crypt
2 Coffin Purge 1 Crumble 2 Tranquil Domain 1 Carpet of Flowers 2 Gloom 1 Tsunami 2 Eradicate 2 Spike Feeder 1 Gigapede |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Tormod's Crypt
2 Coffin Purge 1 Crumble 2 Tranquil Domain 1 Carpet of Flowers 2 Gloom 1 Tsunami 2 Eradicate 2 Spike Feeder 1 Gigapede |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Burn | Carlos Berna | 1 |
Survival | Daniel Bustamante | 2 |
Pit Rack | Jose Comandos | 4 |
Astral Slide | Miguel Espí | 5 |
Goblins | Javier Jimenez | 6 |
Threshold | Daniel Pipicello | 7 |
Rogue | Veliana Ivanova | 8 |