Danilo Alves playing Zombies | Position: 2 | |
Deck Name: Zombies | Sideboard | |
Creatures [22]3 Gempalm Polluter3 Rotlung Reanimator 4 Carnophage 4 Lord of the Undead 4 Shepherd of Rot 4 Withered Wretch | Instants [4]4 Dark RitualSorceries [6]2 Cabal Therapy4 Duress Enchantments [8]4 Bad Moon4 Sarcomancy Lands [20]1 Unholy Grotto19 Swamp |
2 Perish
3 Engineered Plague 2 Diabolic Edict 2 Plaguebearer 1 Gempalm Polluter 2 Cabal Therapy 2 Contagion 1 Rotlung Reanimator |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
2 Perish
3 Engineered Plague 2 Diabolic Edict 2 Plaguebearer 1 Gempalm Polluter 2 Cabal Therapy 2 Contagion 1 Rotlung Reanimator |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Landstill | Rodrigo Souza | 1 |
Elves | Giovanni Marcilio | 3 |
Mono Black | Bruno Palagano | 4 |
Tide Control | Emerson Araújo | 5 |
Stasis | Vinicius Maranduba | 6 |
The Rock | Vagner Pereira | 7 |
Ponza | Rafael Alenca | 8 |