DAVID TREMPS playing Robots | Position: 7 | |
Deck Name: Pink Robots | Sideboard | |
Creatures [11]3 Serra Angel4 Su-Chi 4 Uthden Troll Instants [12]1 Divine Offering3 Disenchant 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Swords to Plowshares Sorceries [4]2 Earthquake2 Fireball Enchantments [1]1 Circle of Protection: RedArtifacts [9]1 Chaos Orb1 Ivory Tower 1 Sol Ring 2 Fellwar Stone 2 Icy Manipulator 2 Jayemdae Tome | Lands [23]1 Library of Alexandria1 Strip Mine 4 Mishra's Factory 4 Plateau 6 Mountain 7 Plains |
4 Red Elemental Blast
3 Karma 2 Circle of Protection: Red 1 Circle of Protection: Black 2 Blood Moon 1 Disenchant 1 Dust to Dust 1 Jayemdae Tome |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
4 Red Elemental Blast
3 Karma 2 Circle of Protection: Red 1 Circle of Protection: Black 2 Blood Moon 1 Disenchant 1 Dust to Dust 1 Jayemdae Tome |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Quicksilver | Toni Matas | 1 |
RG Aggro | Joan Cortés | 2 |
WGb | Sergio Cortijo | 3 |
Land Destruction | Jordi Gálvez | 4 |
Rack Control | Juan Ruiz | 5 |
RG Aggro | MARC TREMPS | 6 |
White Weenie | ISMAEL CHARIF | 8 |