Rafael Gastim playing Rogue | Position: 4 | |
Deck Name: Big Bang | Sideboard | |
Creatures [4]1 Shard Phoenix3 Palinchron Instants [25]1 Fact or Fiction1 Memory Lapse 2 Curfew 2 Flash of Insight 2 Power Sink 2 Whispers of the Muse 3 Cunning Wish 4 Arcane Denial 4 Chain of Vapor 4 Fire // Ice | Sorceries [2]1 Fireball1 Pyroclasm Enchantments [5]1 Parallax Tide4 Mana Flare Lands [24]2 Shivan Reef4 Mishra's Factory 6 Mountain 12 Island |
1 Annul
1 Blue Elemental Blast 2 Deep Analysis 1 Envelop 1 Fact or Fiction 1 Mana Short 1 Overload 1 Pyroblast 2 Rejuvenation Chamber 1 Stifle 1 Stroke of Genius 1 Teferi's Response 1 Turnabout |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Annul
1 Blue Elemental Blast 2 Deep Analysis 1 Envelop 1 Fact or Fiction 1 Mana Short 1 Overload 1 Pyroblast 2 Rejuvenation Chamber 1 Stifle 1 Stroke of Genius 1 Teferi's Response 1 Turnabout |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Enchantress | Vitor Massucato | 1 |
Deadguy Ale | Matheus Saity | 2 |
Goblins | Fernando Moroni | 3 |
Burn | Artur Del Veccio | 5 |
Threshold | Rodrigo Martins | 6 |
Reanimator | Arthur Gomes | 7 |
Parallx Replenish | Marco Alvarenga | 8 |