Arthur Gomes playing Reanimator | Position: 4 | |
Deck Name: Reanimator | Sideboard | |
Creatures [17]1 Dragon Mage1 Spirit of the Night 1 Visara the Dreadful 3 Akroma, Angel of Wrath 3 Phantom Nishoba 4 Putrid Imp 4 Rorix Bladewing Instants [4]4 Dark RitualSorceries [16]4 Cabal Therapy4 Careful Study 4 Exhume 4 Reanimate | Enchantments [4]4 Animate DeadArtifacts [4]4 Lotus PetalLands [15]2 Underground River2 Undiscovered Paradise 3 Swamp 4 City of Brass 4 Gemstone Mine |
1 Shatterstorm
4 Swords to Plowshares 2 Naturalize 2 Winter Orb 3 Oath of Druids 1 Blinding Angel 2 Tranquil Domain |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Shatterstorm
4 Swords to Plowshares 2 Naturalize 2 Winter Orb 3 Oath of Druids 1 Blinding Angel 2 Tranquil Domain |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
White Weenie | Daniel Coser | 1 |
Lands | Bruno Bonadio Lopez | 2 |
Burn | Luciano Sasaki | 3 |
Madness | André Sadao | 5 |
Machine Head | Manoel Pereira | 6 |
Survival | Daniel Carli | 7 |
BW Control | Igor Noboru | 8 |