Jaime Armada playing UGR Faeries | Position: 7 | |
Deck Name: Stifle Returns 1.0 | Sideboard | |
Creatures [11]1 Vendilion Clique2 Grim Lavamancer 4 Spellstutter Sprite 4 Tarmogoyf Instants [21]2 Lightning Bolt2 Spell Pierce 3 Daze 3 Fire // Ice 3 Stifle 4 Brainstorm 4 Force of Will | Enchantments [3]3 StandstillPlaneswalkers [2]2 Jace, the Mind SculptorArtifacts [2]2 Engineered ExplosivesLands [21]1 Forest1 Mountain 2 Island 2 Misty Rainforest 2 Mutavault 3 Scalding Tarn 3 Tropical Island 3 Volcanic Island 4 Wasteland |
2 Krosan Grip
1 Relic of Progenitus 1 Tormod's Crypt 2 Red Elemental Blast 3 Firespout 2 Spell Snare 2 Ancient Grudge 1 Spell Pierce 1 Phyrexian Metamorph |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
2 Krosan Grip
1 Relic of Progenitus 1 Tormod's Crypt 2 Red Elemental Blast 3 Firespout 2 Spell Snare 2 Ancient Grudge 1 Spell Pierce 1 Phyrexian Metamorph |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Other | Joan Castaño | 1 |
Merfolks | Ferran Font | 2 |
Bant Aggro | Marc Santos | 3 |
Team America | Juan José Vegas | 4 |
Elves | Carles Burch | 5 |
Reanimator | JMLL | 6 |
Goblins | Marc Anselmo | 8 |