View decks of an archetype 4c Control Aluren Angry Hermit Astral Slide Balancing Tings Battle of Wits Broccoli Soup BUG Control Burn BW Control Cephalid Breakfast Clerics Dance Academy Deadguy Ale Devourer Combo Doomsday Draco Blast Drake Combo Dream Halls Elves Enchantress False Cure Fires Fluctuator Frenetic Encounter Full English Breakfast Gamekeeper Goblins Great Combo Gro-A-Tog Lands Landstill Life Machine Head Madness Merfolks Mono Black Mono Black Control Mono Blue Mono Green MUD Oath Oath Ponza Pandeburst Parallax Replenish Parfait Pattern Combo Pebbles Pink Prison Pit Rack Ponza Pox Psychatog Pyrostatic Oath Reanimator Rebels Red Control Rogue Slivers Stasis Stiflenought Storm Survival Survival Opposition Survival Tradewind Survival Welder Tax Rack Aggro Terrageddon The Rock The Solution Three Deuce Threshold Tide Control Tireless Tribe Tribal Trinity Trix Tron Turbo Lands Turtle Splash UB Control UR Control UW Control UW Midrange UW Weenie UWB Control UWG Control Wake Control White Control White Weenie Zombie Infestation Zombies Zoo First Prev Page 71 of 71 Tournament Name Players Date InGenio - Weekly Premodern 8 Players 31/07/2018 InGenio - Weekly Premodern 5 Players 27/07/2018 InGenio - Weekly Premodern 5 Players 24/07/2018 InGenio - Weekly Premodern 6 Players 17/07/2018 InGenio - Weekly Premodern 9 Players 10/07/2018 InGenio - Weekly Premodern 6 Players 10/07/2018 Swedish Premodern Nationals 18 Players 17/06/2018 First Prev Page 71 of 71
Tier decks in the past 30 days 1º Burn 40 tops 2º Parallax Replenish 32 tops 3º Goblins 25 tops 4º Stiflenought 23 tops Archetypes 4c Control 12 Aluren 114 Angry Hermit 175 Astral Slide 164 Balancing Tings 42 Battle of Wits 9 Broccoli Soup 27 BUG Control 15 Burn 1136 BW Control 215 Cephalid Breakfast 10 Clerics 84 Dance Academy 12 Deadguy Ale 356 Devourer Combo 250 Doomsday 19 Draco Blast 53 Drake Combo 5 Dream Halls 26 Elves 650 Enchantress 412 False Cure 12 Fires 59 Fluctuator 36 Frenetic Encounter 11 Full English Breakfast 192 Gamekeeper 9 Goblins 1111 Great Combo 26 Gro-A-Tog 226 Lands 36 Landstill 834 Life 48 Machine Head 92 Madness 594 Merfolks 36 Mono Black 235 Mono Black Control 87 Mono Blue 49 Mono Green 70 MUD 206 Oath 394 Oath Ponza 296 Pandeburst 6 Parallax Replenish 518 Parfait 165 Pattern Combo 34 Pebbles 3 Pink Prison 50 Pit Rack 250 Ponza 191 Pox 48 Psychatog 222 Pyrostatic Oath 68 Reanimator 210 Rebels 64 Red Control 6 Rogue 491 Slivers 25 Stasis 366 Stiflenought 919 Storm 100 Survival 363 Survival Opposition 57 Survival Tradewind 40 Survival Welder 118 Tax Rack Aggro 13 Terrageddon 463 The Rock 783 The Solution 197 Three Deuce 55 Threshold 111 Tide Control 339 Tireless Tribe 28 Tribal 37 Trinity 12 Trix 18 Tron 49 Turbo Lands 45 Turtle Splash 14 UB Control 10 UR Control 43 UW Control 61 UW Midrange 52 UW Weenie 31 UWB Control 50 UWG Control 17 Wake Control 18 White Control 36 White Weenie 206 Zombie Infestation 92 Zombies 94 Zoo 49